Sunday, August 28, 2011

Homeschooling Week 02

Homeschooling Week 02 Art2
Originally uploaded by sandiesry

More pictures
This week Ben studied about Martin Luther and the Reformation of the Catholic Church. He practiced cursive letters b, c, and d. His spelling words were words with soft and hard c and g sounds. He studied about self control with Bible stories about Moses, David, Daniel and others. On his own he is still reading The Practical Guide to Monsters. We also read a rhyming tale called The Monsterologist. He liked that. He had Behavioral Management Therapy Thursday and they worked on identifying anxiety among other things. He also watched Rising: Rebuilding Ground Zero and we talked about September 11th.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Autism and Social Expectations

Sometimes I wonder about what we are doing with Ben.

Since his diagnosis of autism last November, since our knowledge of what autism is, since he started taking Prozac in April ... Ben has become a much more flexible child. His rigid OCDs are really gone. He has routines, but he is flexible for emergencies such as no electricity. Now that he is free from the OCDs that made up his day, I'm expected to put him on a rigid schedule because that is what he will have to deal with in school.

I'm under pressure to find more group activities for Ben. We could put him back into Sunday School, which was a disaster two years ago. We tried Tai Kwon Do until Ben refused to go anymore. There were problems with Ben hitting other kids there too. We did Soccer and Ben refused to go back after 2 games. We've tried Library Programs all year round and Ben refuses to even sit with the children. He sits with me, but given an opportunity to participate on his own he will do so. Pound the drums, etc. I could do more of those where there is group involvement. That might be ideal for him.

Then sending him to school were he will be teased and taunted. Where he will take the abuse from other kids then blow up and attack them. Guess who gets blamed when that happens? Been there and done that before. I keep hoping that he will be old enough, mature enough, strong enough in who he is and his abilities so that the other kids cannot take away his self esteem. I've got to make sure he is strong enough in his belief in God and himself before I send him out to confront the unbelievers.

Someone told me that they work with a guy who has Aspberger's Syndrome and that he is always so sad and wants to be included in lunch conversation, but is left a lone. I wonder if he is really sad at being left alone or if he prefers it? What would happen if high functioning Autistic people were not expected to be just like everyone else in school? What if they were allowed to have one or two good friends and were comfortable with that? If they were not under all this pressure to be healed of autism, or to learn to fake being like all the normal people ... would they not be happier? Isn't most of the pressure we are putting on our Autistic children unnecessary?

I wonder about these thing a lot ...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is Real and What is Harmful

Ben refuses to read anything except the Bible, game screens on the computer, and books about ghosts, dragons, monsters, and vampires. He believes that though he has never seen any of these beings, it is possible that they exist somewhere in the world. Ben's Behavioral Therapist is concerned that Ben does not have a good grasp on reality due to his beliefs. Our family M.D. today told Ben that she doesn't believe monsters and vampires (etc.) are real and that she doesn't think he should spend much time learning about them.

I do not believe these things are real, however ... I do believe in deep dark recesses of my mind there is a seed of doubt. That seed of doubt allows me to read (and watch) science fiction and horror books (and movies) and be afraid. If there is not a seed of doubt in your mind how can you enjoy scary stuff?

Ben is not afraid of monsters, etc. He's reading The Practical Guide to Monsters. It records all the folk tales about monsters such as griffins. The author has gathered all the information that could be found and has presented it in a non-fiction form. The reader can presume that he is fully equipped with all the information he needs to protect himself against monsters. Ben REALLY is not anxious about vampires, dragons, or monsters. He feels that he is armed with facts that can be used to protect himself should he ever encounter one of these monsters. I see no harm in this. I think is a good thing that Ben's autism keeps him from saying he does not believe in monsters while having that seed of doubt inside his mind. I believe most of us do have that seed of doubt. I don't believe in ghosts, but I believe in demons and I believe that demons use ghost tricks to control people. Luckily some of the ghost reality shows on these days share my view and come right out and say it!

I don't think Ben has an unusual or unhealthy belief in monsters. I think Ben is not "normal" because he admits he has his doubts and insists that he wants to keep those doubts because, like most 9-year-old kids, he loves to be scared!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homeschooling 2011-2012

Homeschooling Week 01 ArtHomeschooling Week 01 Math Word ProblemsHomeschooling Week 01 MathHomeschooling Week 01 Science 1Homeschooling Week 01 Science 2Homeschooling Week 01 Spelling

Homeschooling 2011-2012, a set on Flickr.

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Our first week of homeschooling was successful though short. Ben visited his psychiatrist on Monday and we agreed to add 2 mg Abilify to the 20 mg of Prozac that Ben is now taking. Abilify is simular to Risperdol, but with less side effects. It sets heavy in my heart to medicate my child, but Ben is old enough and big enough now that he can and has hurt both Rick and I. We are desperate. You don't put that in your status on Facebook, of course and I don't want to go into details because I still see the sweet imaginative boy and I am trying to protect that part of him. I'm determined to keep this journal updated this year. I need to for me and Ben feels proud to see his work online. Now the busy work is mostly done it should be easier to keep up with. Last year was disaster after disaster. I'm not sure about the Spelling book we are using, but other than that I think we have a really good Ben curriculum! I pray it is so!

2011-2012 Reading List: A Beginning

2011-2012 Reading List

Some books are to be tasted,
others are to be swallowed,
and some few are to be chewed and digested. -- Francis Bacon

Read Out Loud List:

Complete Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm
The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit
The Book of Virtues by William Bennett
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green
Be Not Far From Me: The Oldest Love Story by Eric A. Kimmel

Ben's Reading List:

How to Speak Politely and Why by Munro Leaf
How to Behave and Why by Munro Leaf
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstien
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstien
Day by Day Kid's Bible by Karen Henley
Finish The Magic Tree House Mystery Collection
Finish Lemony Snicket series
Harry Potter series
Library Choices

Third Grade Curriculum

2011-2012 Curriculum

A Teaching Textbook: Math 3 by Greg Sabouri
Evan Moor Daily Word Problems Grade 3

Reading and Writing:
Language Lessons for the Elementary Child by Sandi Queen
Spelling Workout C by Modern Curriculum
Barron's Painless Junior Writing
Day by Day Kid's Bible by Karen Henley
Sword Fighting Devotions by Karen Henley
My Prayer Journal by Karen Hill
A Reason for Handwriting Cursive
Library books, library books, library books to read!
Spelling City

Social Studies & Geography:
Behavior Management Therapy at Re Discover
Communities by Scott Foresman
Mind Reading Therapy
Play dates with Ryan (10 yo cousin) or Drew (6 yo nephew).

The Story of the World & Testing Book by Susan Wise Bauer(Finish Vol 2 & Vol 3)
The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World
Usborne History Encyclopedia
Videos and Internet

The Kids Book of the Night Sky by Ann Love and Jane Drake
Space Exploration Experiment Manual
Videos and Internet
Rock N Learn Earth Science

Evan Moor Energy
Library books & videos
Internet & various experiment kits
Rock N Learn Physical Science

Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia
Internet, videos and experiments
Rock N Learn Human Body

How to Teach Art to Children Grades 1-6

Music Ace

Physical Education:
Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan:Basic Techniques
Taekwondo Kids
Bike riding, trampoline, swimming, scooter riding, and play.