Saturday, November 5, 2011

Homeschooling Week 10

Decorated GourdAngry Birds, Zombie puppet, and Jaws.Lego Universe WorldBen's room is clean and organized!lego man in the newsthe witch writing
sentence maphandwriting mazeShoebox MinistryPizza Hut OctoberMath Word ProblemMelvin's 1
Melvin's 2Melvin's 3Melvin's 4Paradise Park 10 29 2011Paradise Park Bumper Cars 1Paradise Park Bumper Cars 2
Paradise Park Bumper Cars 3Paradise Park CharacterParadise Park MazeParadise Park Wall ClimbingCirculatory System (Blood)Homeschooling Week 08 Health Giving Blood
Homeschooling Week 10, a set on Flickr.
Week 10 has actually been 3 weeks in the making. We made trips to the Elementary School twice a week for testing. My mother died and things did't get done. We finished it up this week though. Ben continues to take 30 minute walks each day and though we have some Halloween marshmallows and fruit chews left over; we sent the rest of the candy home with our housekeeper on Thursday. Thursday we meet with the Special Ed Team at the Elementary School to get the results of their testing and make an education plan for the rest of the school year. I'm anxious, but hopeful that everything will go well in that meeting.

Ben actually gave blood a month ago, but we finally studied about the circulatory system and blood on Halloween Day.  We went to Paradise Park last Friday for the maze and hay ride.  Ben read 100 minutes over his BookIt! goal and we went out for Pizza the same night.  We filled up two shoe boxes for the Christmas Shoe box Ministry at church.  We started a box to send to my neice's husband in Afghanistan.  He is a Sargent in the Marines so he will know who needs what we send.  It is cold in the dessert at night.  These men are out on patrol constantly and frequently leave before the Mess Hall opens and get back after the Mess Hall closes.  When all you have is rations you go to bed hungry.  And then, of course, there are the sand storms.  So we are filling a box with Handy Wipes, Visine, Chapstick, Beef Jerky, and soups in cups, etc.  Maybe some nuts and candy too.

The picture of the Lego man is there because we have started doing current events as they come along.  We read about Lego man being held in jail as lost and found property in Florida and about whale pods coming within a mile of California shores looking for food.

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